Professional: Conferences, Keynotes and Workshops, Podcasts, Recordings, and High Profile Facilitation

*NB - 2023 & 2024 were/are also very busy years and are currently being updated here. Please note that my most recent publication Relational Ethics in Psychotherapy and Counselling Private Practice: Solidarity, Compassion, Justice, Caz Binstead and Nicholas Sarantakis, is being published in November 2024 by Routledge (as part of their 'Ethics In Action' series) - please do check it out (pre-order is available). Thank you for your patience!


• Grow your private practice podcast (Jane Travis), guest special episode: How clear boundaries can help grow your practice, with Caz Binstead - being released July 2022.

• International Supervision Week 2022 Conference : Onlinevents - Workshop Supervision for those New to Private Practice (July, 2022)

• The 2022 International Conference on Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy : The Power of Collaborative Relationships : Working Together to Re-build Lives and Communities. Part of a panel dialogue entitled: Pluralism and the Politics of Therapy (June, 2022)

• Resilience Reflections Podcast (Dr Mish) - Caz Binstead (June 2022)

• #TherapistsCreate special : Samantha Lee introduces her new mental health poetry collection (plus overview to #TherapistsCreate, and chat on mutually shared love of poetry) - discussion Caz Binstead and Sam Lee.

• Training for Bereavement Counselling, with Dr John Wilson : Onlinevents - Host and Facilitator (Feb, 2022)


• PCCS Books publisher CPD day : Counselling and Psychotherapy in Times of Global Calamity - Host and Facilitator (Dec, 2021)

• BACP AGM 2021 : invited to present in recognition of the work as a member serving the membership - Caz Binstead presentation on her work on the Private practice toolkit (Nov, 2021)

• Private practice support interview with Caz Binstead - Josephine Hughes of the online community Good Enough Counsellors interviews Caz Binstead, in recognition of her immense work on behalf of private practitioners with the BACP and TherapistsConnect (Nov, 2021)

• TherapistsConnect career reflections : lifetime achievement - Interview with Dr Aaron Balick (Nov, 2021)

• Private Practice 2021, Surviving and Thriving in Uncertain Times (2 day conference)

- Caz Binstead was the Creative Lead, and designed this event (Nov, 2021).

- Organiser, and Event Host (Nov, 2021).

- Keynote. Explorations and reflections on surviving and thriving in uncertain times - the impact of the pandemic on the private practitioner (Nov, 2021).

- Presentation and discussion, Online Communities and Support, Caz Binstead and Peter Blundell (Nov, 2021).

- Facilitator, on a selection of the general discussions/debates/group experiential (Nov, 2021)

- Experiences of running a private practice during a global pandemic - Panel Chair (Nov, 2021)

- Old vs New! Experiences of new private practitioners setting up practice in Covid Era - Panel Chair (Nov, 2021)

• In the Spotlight: reflecting on eating disorders during the pandemic - Interview with Bernie Wright (Oct, 2021)

• BSA Work, Employment, and Society Conference : Connectedness, Activism and Dignity at Work in a Precarious Era - Oral Presentation, Caz Binstead and Peter Blundell #TherapistsConnect: Relational Activism through virtual and online communities (Aug, 2021)

• APT Conference : Reflecting for the future; higher education in disruptive times - Oral Presentation, Caz Binstead and Peter Blundell Therapists on Twitter: A case study of facilitating #TraineeTalk, an innovative international social media learning community for student counsellors and psychotherapists (July, 2021)

• #TherapistsCreate recorded launch - Caz Binstead launches her new project of which she is the founder of. #TherapistsConnect presentation, YouTube channel (Aug, 2020)

• #TraineeTalk Live! - An international one-off event for students on the #traineetalk platform based on twitter, to meet up and discuss challenges of the last year, as well as network - Co-Facilitator with Peter Blundell and Zekiye Kartal (June, 2021)

• Reflections on Activism for Change Within Membership Bodies - Caz Binstead on relational activism (working on behalf of private practitioners within the BACP, June 2021)

• BACP student conference 2021 - Workshop, Caz Binstead: Student to Private Practice, use of the BACP toolkit. BACP student conference 2021.

• BACP 2 Day Online Student Conference - Host (Feb 2021)

• #TherapistsConnect Conference : Connection, collaboration, campaigning and community (a whole week of pertinent events for therapists)

- Co-Creator, Organiser, and Host (Jan, 2021)

- Making a Difference Activism Through Connection and Conversation - Facilitator (Jan, 2021)

- #TherapistsConnect In Conversation - Panellist, and Facilitator (Jan, 2021)

- #TraineeTalk Event - Facilitator (Jan, 2021)

- Therapists and Social Media - Panellist (Jan, 2021)

- Speed Modalities - Chair, and Facilitator (Jan, 2021)

- Poetry Showcase Workshop - Host, Facilitator and Participant (Jan, 2021)

• TherapistsConnect career reflection : lifetime achievement - Interview with Professor Mick Cooper, (Jan, 2021). View it on:


• Reflections on BACP’s representation of member’s views on SCoPEd - Caz Binstead reflects. #TherapistsConnect presentation, YouTube channel (April, 2019)

• Reflection on Mental Health Provision in the UK - #TherapistsConnect presentation, YouTube channel (Oct, 2020)

• BACP Private Practice Conference - Q&A Facilitator (Sep, 2020)

• #TherapistsConnect Third SCoPEd Debates (Nov, 2022) - Organiser, Host and Facilitator.

• #TherapistsConnect Student Debates (Aug, 2020) - Organiser, Host and Facilitator

• The Big #SCoPEd Debate (July, 2020) : #TherapistsConnect were the only platform to hold SCoPEd debates. Our 3 debates in total featured a wide mixture of the therapist community - representatives from: 3 of the main Membership Bodies involved with SCoPEd; activist groups opposing SCoPEd; training and education; students; qualified therapists working on the ground (of varying modalities and years of practice) - Organiser, Host and Facilitator

• BACP and Counselling Tutor Podcast Special : Starting a Private Practice in Counselling - Caz Binstead, BACP divisional executive Private practice toolkit lead, and Jo Langston, ethics services manager (July, 2020)

• National Counsellors’ Day 2020, CTUK : Event host, and Facilitator (June, 2020)

• National Counsellors’ Day 2020, CTUK : Interview with Jo Watson from Drop The Disorder - conference presentation (June, 2020)

• TherapistsConnect Podcast : interviewed by the platform for my work and life as a therapist - Peter Blundell interviews Caz Binstead (June, 2020)

• What is #TraineeTalk ? - Founder of #TraineeTalk Caz Binstead introduces the #traineetalk community. #TherapistsConnect presentation, YouTube channel (April, 2020)


• BACP Private Practice Conference - Q&A Facilitator (London, Sep 2019)

• BACP Student Conference - ‘Private Practice Strand’ Host (London, Feb 2019)

• BACP Student Conference - Introduction to Private Practice Workshop, Caz Binstead (London, Feb 2019)